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استبدال النص - '<div lang="en" xml:lang="en" dir="ltr">' إلى ''
سطر 21: سطر 21:  
  |قوالب فرعية=
  |قوالب فرعية=
<div lang="en" xml:lang="en" dir="ltr">
I just finished reading a fascinating critique of intersectionality by Eve Mitchell, which can be found here. I want to first go over her main argument, and then go into her proposed solution (Marxist feminism) and why I think a more Gramscian approach would be more useful.
I just finished reading a fascinating critique of intersectionality by Eve Mitchell, which can be found here. I want to first go over her main argument, and then go into her proposed solution (Marxist feminism) and why I think a more Gramscian approach would be more useful.

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