مشروع:مراجع عن المثلية الجنسية والإسلام

مراجع باللغة العربية


  • تجديد العروة الوثقى
  • حيرة مسلمة



  • الله يحب جميع خلقه

مراجع باللغة الإنجليزية


  • Homosexuality in Islam - Scott Siraj Al-Haqq Kugle
  • Islamic Law and Muslim Same-Sex Unions - Junaid Jahangir, Hussein Abdullatif
  • Islam and Homosexuality - Samar Habib
  • Islamic Homosexualities (Culture, History, and Literature) - Stephen Murray
  • Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800 - Khaled El-Rouayheb
  • Hijab - Unveiling Queer Muslim Lives
  • Female Homosexuality in the Middle East - Samar Habib
  • Living Out Islam (Voices of Gay Lesbian and Transgender Muslims) - Scott Siraj Al-Haqq Kugle
  • The Making of a Gay Muslim - Shanon Shah
  • The Crisis of Islamic Masculinities - Amanullah De Sondy
  • Queer Muslim Marriage - Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed
  • Queer Jihad: LGBT Muslims on Coming Out, Activism, and the Faith - Afdhere Jama
  • Illegal Citizens: Queer Lives in the Muslim World - Afdhere Jama
  • A Sinner in Mecca: A Gay Muslim's Hajj of Defiance - Parvez Sharma


  • Islamic Texts A Source for Acceptance of Queer Individuals into Mainstream Muslim Society - Muhsin Hendricks
  • Queer Friendly Islamic Hermeneutics - Samar Habib
  • Sexuality, Diversity and Ethics in the Agenda of Progressive Muslims - Scott Siraj al Haqq Kugle
  • Coming Home to Islam and to Self
  • Homosexuality (chapter), Sexual-Ethics and Islam - Kecia Ali
  • Homosexuality (chapter), Reading the Quran - Ziauddin Sardar
  • Qur'an and LGTB reality


  • LGBTQ Lecture series
  • Inclusive Islam: Is LGBTQI Halal?
  • Homosexuality in the Quran
  • Advice to Parents of LGBTQ+ Children


  • The Other Side of Islam
  • Gay Muslims
  • A Jihad for Love
  • Fitrah - Negotiating Islam, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

مراجع باللغة الألمانية

  • Islam und Homosexualität – eine differenzierte Betrachtung - Andreas Ismail Mohr
  • Ein schwieriges Verhältnis: Homosexualität und Islam - Was sagt der Koran dazu? - Andreas Ismail Mohr
  • Homosexualität im Islam - Taner Tanyeri
  • Die Kultur der Ambiguität - Thomas Bauer