
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
حذف تصنيف زائد
سطر 61: سطر 61:  
* [[:تصنيف:حملات|Campaigns]] run by women rights NGOs and feminist groups. We document these campaigns and collect all relevant disseminated material including posters, stickers, press releases, photos, and papers;
* [[:تصنيف:حملات|Campaigns]] run by women rights NGOs and feminist groups. We document these campaigns and collect all relevant disseminated material including posters, stickers, press releases, photos, and papers;
* [[:تصنيف:حوادث_وقضايا|Incidents and legal cases]] intersecting with sexism, gender based violence and oppression;
* [[:تصنيف:حوادث_وقضايا|Incidents and legal cases]] intersecting with sexism, gender based violence and oppression;
* [[:تصنيف:وثائق_حسب_النوع|Documents]] and files - be them written or multimedia - produced and disseminated by feminist NGOs, artists, writers, journalists and researchers such as articles, op-eds, press releases, reports, studies, position papers, statistics, [[تصنيف:صور|photos]], graphic designs, [[:تصنيف:رسوم|illustrations]], [[:تصنيف:كوميكس|comics]], [[:تصنيف:كاريكاتير|cartoons]], [[:تصنيف:جرافيتي|graffiti]], and info-graphs;
* [[:تصنيف:وثائق_حسب_النوع|Documents]] and files - be them written or multimedia - produced and disseminated by feminist NGOs, artists, writers, journalists and researchers such as articles, op-eds, press releases, reports, studies, position papers, statistics, [[:تصنيف:صور|photos]], graphic designs, [[:تصنيف:رسوم|illustrations]], [[:تصنيف:كوميكس|comics]], [[:تصنيف:كاريكاتير|cartoons]], [[:تصنيف:جرافيتي|graffiti]], and info-graphs;
* [[خاص:فهرس_بادئة/ترجمة:|Translations]] of articles and papers discussing our areas of interest, whether done by our wiki members or by other sources.
* [[خاص:فهرس_بادئة/ترجمة:|Translations]] of articles and papers discussing our areas of interest, whether done by our wiki members or by other sources.


قائمة التصفح