
من ويكي الجندر
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث


باحثة نسوية

كائنات بحبها

  • عصافيري خصوصا جيلي بين

أسباب حبي لجيلي بين

  1. بيقف على إيدي
  2. مش بيعضني
  3. بيحب يغني طول الوقت

اقتباس مفضل

One day I realized that I no longer dreamed of what I would do when I was whole again. My will burned to reach that point, and then suddenly was nothing. I had become nothing more than my desire to fly. I had adjusted, somehow. I had evolved in that unfamiliar region, plodding my stolid way to where the scientists and Remakers of the world congregated. The means had become the end. If I regained my wings, I would become someone new, without the desire that defined me. I saw in that spring damp as I walked endlessly north that I was .not looking for fulfilment but for dissolution. I would pass my body on to a newborn, and rest

China Miéville, Perdido Street Station-China Miéville, Perdido Street Station, 2000, Macmillan


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

روابط على التواصل الاجتماعي


  1. ملف:غرفة تخص المرء وحده فرجينيا وولف.pdf|غرفة تخص المرء وحده، فرجينيا وولف، 1929